Saturday, January 14


Happy New Year, readers, and I hope everyone had a magical night. I know, I know, these reoccurring unexcused absences are probably beginning to seem like just plain laziness, but time is of the essence. Life is short, college is shorter, New York is stressful and Miami is not. With the New Year comes the chance to start fresh, be a new person, assess the purpose of your existence, yada yada yada. So instead of stressing over the fact that while this month the other multitudes of fashion bloggers are making big moves and scoring more readers while I do the opposite, I just decided to enjoy my winter break while I can to the fullest and do what my life is 100% devoid of in NYC: relaxing. Because my hometown is the greatest and I am COMPLETELY boastful when it comes to the Miami "winter" weather, I decided to give you all a little taste of what you're missing out on. And by that I mean warmth. Here is my January mood board. Enjoy it, envy it, envy me, hate me, but admit that you are really freaking jealous (or if you're a fellow 305-er, high-five). Man, I love home.

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